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Family time in Quarantine

Shivanand Shagoti
Acrylic on Canvas 72 X 36 Inches Figurative

“Life takes you to unexpected places and situations, love brings you home.” Last one year or so have been so eventful. Many unexpected experiences and developments have happened in everyone’s life due to the pandemic situation. Many lost their loved ones and global economy meltdown. However, it has come as a respite to family
values. The subject of my painting too, dwells in and around this global phenomenon, albeit in a positive tone.
My painting focusses mainly on the social impact of every individual. Through this artwork I want to depict a troop of chimpanzees, isolated as separate groups and socializing among
themselves. The expression of each and every Chimpanzee in this painting clearly shows uncertainty about future, despair and fear because of gloomy future, lack of basic needs for
safety and security. Nevertheless, they are very happy since they are able to make use of this free time to improve their relationships with not just immediate family, but also re-
establishing bonds with other relatives. In the similar manner, even humans are also learning the value of family bonding, importance of love and affection among one another.

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