On spiralling around the subject of children’s toys I had an idea of presenting the objects I directly associate with my childhood and are easily
recognisable by the viewers. Back in my village, readymade toys are not as popular as they are in the cities. Children there are used to inventing a
variety of objects to play with out of which some have similar designs. A very popular kind of toy is made with make shift material, a cart made up of
wooden sticks and worn out rubber slippers. Children roam around everywhere driving the cart, playing races and other kinds of fun play. They call
it ‘Gadi’ which means car. Instead of the rubber slipper cut outs I used worn out tyres from tractors, enlarging the object. The tyre industry reminds
me of my childhood working there and other friends around me that were doing the same, it also speaks for all the lost childhoods of the kids. The old
used tyres portray a different kind of journey. The weariness from usage is reflected. It in turn contrasts the delicate nature of toys. These tyres also
provide an identity to the creators of it. The tyres remind us of the rough land it ploughed under scorching heat. These works only pose questions
regarding the loss of childhood amongst the vulnerable parts of society.
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