These hanging shovels,in a bus like corridor space,are cut into two parts and hunged upside down,where i play in the sense of how i use my objects and material. The upside down shovel, seems like a handle of a public transport bus(which carries labourers from villages and small places to cities and sites). They are in search of work,wages and aminities enough to fulfil their daily needs.
The shovels are representation of the labourers in my work,i have used the length of corridor as a space of a bus.
The visibilty of the complete shovels is only possible while one entres the corridor completely.
Otherwise one sees it just as handles of a bus.
They show the journey of labourers conjusted,least comfy and hustled. The way they hold the suspending handles, to me seems as a posture of great glory , of their strong hands which carry the burden of the heavy duties and the amount of their strength shaping the society in a sense.
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