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The White Night

Pankaj Sharma
Others 300 X 48 Inches Contemporary
In this artwork, I tried to show homeless people using new material. If we talk about it structurally I would like to start with the lights. I used so many lights here the purpose of using lights here is different because I thought the homeless people are very bright and beautiful. They have limited things for surviving. They use waste material boatels, polythene, clothes, etc. but common people collecting everything in their house they are surrounded by so many things. Why the fiberglass boxes to contain my photographs of homeless people? I want to show dimension here because when we see any homeless people outside the road we see them in one dimension. We never see what is to the left what is to the right of them, what is their world made of even if it is very few things? While researching I clicked photographs of their belongings which were hanging behind them. Left side or right side also they carry some object like vessels, clothes, etc. so my drawings are also continuing on the left side and right side of the boxes that contain their photographs. When people want to see the drawings on these boxes they have to move. While researching I recorded sound also. I put three variety of sounds in my display. Some sounds I collected from the park in which these people sleep, some sounds from the roadside and some sounds are from under the flyover where they set up their temporary shelters. The photographs in these boxes are not clearly seen behind the fiberglass because I wanted people to stay at my work and give some time and try to see what kind of images are there behind these boxes. The pattern in which the boxes are arranged in the display came from the way in which the homeless people sleep, which I found very interesting. After four people there is a gap, after three people there is a gap after one person there is a gap. So my display pattern is also like this. Homeless people sleep in artificial lights so I tried to represent this through the use of Led lights that light up the fiberglass boxes from inside.
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