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The Moon - Limited Edition of 10

Pracheta Banerjee
Digital 22.5 X 30 Inches Figurative
I chose a dreamlike, surreal style for this particular card. The Moon is the symbol of the unconscious, intuition & dreams. I am personally into alternative fashion, a while back, I created my own getup which was starry themed, in my Tarot deck, I am represented as The Star, the woman in the card is me. I was inspired by Van Gogh's works for this particular painting, especially "The Starry Night". The Moon in Tarot is connected to the Sun & The Star, while in the original Rider Waite meanings, The Moon has sixteen chief & secondary rays, however I did not choose to show so, I had a very personal take and took complete liberty in creating this piece, as the Moon card is also a highly imaginative card. The Moon sits between two towers, the path between the towers is into the unknown, the dog & wolf represent the tamed & wild aspects to our minds, the light of The Moon guides them, it illuminates the animal nature. Within the darkness, the only light to guide them is that of The Moon. The crayfish coming out of the pool symbolizes early stages of recognized consciousness.
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