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Justice - Limited Edition of 10

Pracheta Banerjee
Digital 22.5 X 30 Inches Figurative
I went for a painterly yet realistic style & experimented with lighting in this particular piece, the illusion of dust particles suspended in air when there is a beam of light, adding a sense of realism and atmosphere to the painting adding a sense of grandiose. The female figure of Justice is said to be Goddess Astraea from the ancient Greek religion, the figure sits between the two pillars, just as the High Priestess & the Hierophant in Tarot, symbolizing balance, law, morals & structure. The purple veil loosely hung in the background signifies compassion, she holds her sword in her right hand, which point towards a fair, final & firm decision, the double-edged blade signifies the consequences our actions carry. The scales are representative of intuition balancing logic and a symbol of impartiality, she wears a crown with a small square which represent well-ordered thoughts, the shoe that peeks out beneath her clothing is a reminder of spiritual consequences of one's actions.
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