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Woman in a Patriarchal Society

Dipak Das
Others 18 X 24 Inches Contemporary
What you see here is a pair of hands (of some lady), chained with a lock with masculine features. The hands are holding a ball of energy , the flower of life. As if the rest of the body is closed behind a wall with an upside down triangular opening, we can see only the hands. The upside down triangle symbolises Shakti / Female / Mother. The flower of life symbolises source / power of creation. In a patriarchal society only the creation aspect is given importance of the Woman. Only motherhood is given importance. Other qualities are not entertained. As if the goal of a woman's life is only to be a mother and take care of her child till her last breath. Her other capabilities, her ambitions all are neglected, are put behind wall. And her hands are tied and locked.
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