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Harsh Desh Srivastava
Acrylic on Canvas 54 X 54 Inches Contemporary
The most profound human experience often encompasses distorted views of life and all the contentions that come with it. My work is primarily the result of intense transformations, in a way that often resonates with the abstract side of the reality, which is effortlessly ignored by those who choose to live under the veil of normalcy. This wrangling thought process, however subjective it seems to the society, is more or less a part of the emotions that are quite triggering. Even so, they aren't addressed clearly in our society. Through my art, I have tried to convey the same. The surrealism and abstractness of my work is meant to stuck a chord with the viewers in a way that leaves a deep emotional impact on them. The indispensable reason behind the creation of this piece is the fact that I aim to make the world a better place to live for every walking being on the planet, and I truly believe that art is one way to do it. Thank you. God is omnipresent. However, the shape, form, and size in which this energy is visible does vary for every single being on the planet. Our faith in God unites us and sadly, our religion often separates us. The chaos around our idea of God (based on religion) has distorted the idea of one supreme being--one that should ideally keep our world balanced and safe. Ironically, our perceptions have turned our belief upside down. Of course, we are flawed by nature but in our quest to prove our God superior than others, we have replaced Him with trepidation. Faith in our God has now become a synonyms for rules, that every human should abide. Unfortunately, anyone who questions the same, is simply marked as a traitor. Nonetheless, through this artwork, I am staring straight into the eyes of this (distorted) faith, which is surrounded with the ‘rules’ of finding God and all those who accept them without questioning.
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