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The Desert Flower.

Vathsalya S
Acrylic on Canvas 15 X 22 Inches Figurative
Like a flower that waits impatiently to bloom on a desert surface warned by the blazing spring sun, waiting long for setting it has never felt before. To set it free! When the spring rain finally arrives, all the self doubt vanish away. The desert flower sprouts and blooms after all the wait and hardships it had to face holding on tight with a tiny hope, never giving up it stood strong facing the world adding more beauty to the world itself. Just like the wild desert flower...In the cruelest weather, she had to grow wild and free, tall and brave while holding on to every single drop of rain just to survive that day. She wanted to bloom like the flower beneath the blazing sun, overcome all her fears and obstacles to set free and show the world of all the colors that lived inside of her. She wanted the world to see what she could become and help the world become more than what it was. Growing between the cracks she hoped to make the world and everything beautiful. Like a hidden Oasis in every Dessert and everything pleasant and beautiful she was the one who still believed in silver linings and never loose hope for she was a dreamer, a believer determined to go beyond limits and set free. This painting was created based on a 'wild and free' concept where illiterate women who belong to Indian families with rich cultural background are made to live their lives according to the words of elderly and not allowed to dream when they are talented in their own ways with their rich cultures that they could do so much more. It is time to break the taboo and traditions that prohibit women from coming out and being bold. They should be allowed to be whoever they want to and let them choose from their choices and make a decision for themselves. To portray these words in a better way I've painted them on a canvas where there is a beautiful dusky women along with camel that is decorated, with the backdrop of a starry night sky. The decorated camel is a comparison to the life of a women who are not allowed to make choices but work and obey to the elderly voice and live a dictated life like it's their daily job just like a camel who has a master to obey and is just thankful for food and water in return. The women are forbidden from their dreams.The cactus blooming is the wild flower. Women as much as they value their traditions and culture should be respected and not caged forever.. they should be set free to dream and achieve goals they build in their life.
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