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Resonance of Nature

Shayani Boral
Acrylic on Canvas 48 X 60 Inches Contemporary
…Ttalks about the silent sounds created by mother nature through its breathless beauty. Spring is a time of beauty, of creating, of procreation and of immense love. This love happens to move life ahead, to create and to make the world a beautiful place that it is today. One such beautiful process is pollination when pollens make its way with the breeze. bees and butterflies to take birth as a fresh new life-a new plant. Pollination is important because it leads to the production of fruits we can eat, and seeds that will create more plants. Pollination begins with flowers. Flowers have male parts that produce very small grains called pollen. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from one flower to another. In fact, one third of our global food supply is pollinated by bees, butterflies and other insects. Simply put, these insects keep plants and crops alive. Without bees, butterflies and other insects, humans wouldn't have very much to eat. ... Without this process of pollination these crops would cease to exist, making life on the planet very very difficult. This entire process spreads the vibration of love and creation. It is indeed disheartening to share the fact that in-spite of being aware about the same it makes no difference in human elite practice. The practice of gifting and decorating flowers has always been on limelight, but do we understand that in the process we take away a child from its mother? Mother Nature is being bought and sold as a commodity. A flower is not just for beauty. Its a source through which several other processes of nature makes its way. Life can be more beautiful if we gift plants instead of flowers. A plucked flower looks beautiful in a bouquet but lives for few days but a floral plant not only lives longer, it comes up with full blooms every season. A practice that can help us fight global warming, contribute a bit towards our ecological system and last but not the least it will develop a sense of responsibility amongst our young generation. Lets take a pledge to spread this silent sounds of nature
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