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Madhu Kuruva
Acrylic on Canvas 48 X 36 Inches


On Kuruva’s Artwork by Jyoti A Kathpalia Art Critic and Associate Professor. 

"Kuruva’s paintings reverberate at various levels. They exhibit a unique balance of colour, and vision and fine figurative endeavours. From a distance they appear as a play of colours and forms but as one approaches closer, the birds, trees, flowers, animal and human figures are discernible as separate and yet a whole, the visages and figures in their arrangement seeming incidental, and yet fitting like magical pieces conceived in the artist’s mind and executed on the canvas. 


Each element in the artworks is foregrounded and tantalises as the gaze moves from, and explores the canvas from various angles and distances. Madhu Kuruva’s artwork speaks of deep philosophical and existential involvement and puts forward the world view of mutual care and existence. The art works also render a newness and surprise - each time the viewer’s gaze settles, there is another element that is discovered to unsettle as well to captivate much like the human predicament itself.”


Jyoti A Kathpa


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