Search results for: 'the" AND 2*3*8=6*8 AND "DRGj"="DRGj'
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Gymnasts Metal 3 footer Sculpture ( edition 8/10 )Vernika SinghAluminium | 16 X 36 Inches₹250,000
Chassing happiness (8/10)Nimesh PillaBrass with Aluminium Balloons | 5.5 X 21 X 18.5 Inches₹180,000
Girl with Balloons (Edition 9/10)Gagan GargiPatina Finish on Aluminium | 15 X 6 X 19 Inches₹90,000
ALL IN A DAYS WORK (SET OF 8)Prittam PriyalochanPen, Pencil or Ink on Paper | Each 8.3 X 5.8 Inches₹70,000
Sun salutation - The cobra ( Edition 1/10 )Vernika SinghAluminium and Mild Steel | 22 X 12 Inches₹150,000