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Yash Jani
Prints on Paper 15 X 20 Inches Figurative
Title : "Are... Miyafuski" This is my very funny and creative metaphor drawing. This drawing remind me My child hood memories and recent age. i draw Muslims two figure on the scooter front of the drawing. one male one female. and they are frustrate to coming on Hindu’s gully pol(street).and all children are happy to they are coming. and the children are hateing. They are disturbing to family. And they are 5 members on one scooter. One is going toilet that’s why they are standing. second is standing on front of scooter, third is girl and she is sitting on center of mother and father.. and in her hand beautiful flower lotus. Lotus is metaphor of beautiful girl. and in Muslims couple male is like miyafuski. And female is like lotus. After wearing burkha beautiful figure and beauttiful face. so Muslim female ora is pink.and in this drawing all children singing "aree.....miya fuski " because Muslims come in hindus gully"pol"(street) and they learn in study. but metaphor is "miya...fuski" and beautiful wife. Dog also singing because miya fuski with wife and wife is beautiful. and in this street all are disturbing standing family. and children are enjoying "ARE....MIYAFUSKI."
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